Both Sides Are Idiots: Today It’s The Far Right And Climate Change

Posted: July 7, 2023 in America, Business, Consumers, Farros, Oil, OPEC, Politics, Royal, Royal Blog, Stocks, Technology and Business
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I’m tired of the extremes on both political sides hijacking the agenda and deflecting from real conversation.

So, I’m going to start calling out when a side does something idiotic.

Take climate change.

Apparently July 4th was the hottest day on record for the Planet Earth.

The left thinks that’s yet another data point that climate change is real.

The right thinks that’s nothing more than the natural ebb & flow of climate through the eons.

Here’s why everyone on the right are idiots about climate change:

Who cares WHY?!

Whether it’s people or nature, everyone agrees on what happens during these ebb & flows: Weather patterns change, storms get more severe, drought increases, polar ice caps melt, seas warm and rise… AND SPECIES — LIKE HUMANS — GET WIPED OUT.

So if we know this, shouldn’t we actually try to do something to slow down the inevitable?


Is there a way to do this without destroying our way of life?

Of course.

Here’s something amazing that we learned during Covid: That for that 2-3 month period in early 2020 when no one drove… and people were more careful about their consumption (toilet paper, anyone?)… the planet — literally — was able to breathe again.

This is a fact.

So what if we went back to some of those behaviors that made a material and measurable difference?

Now, I am not advocating shutting down local restaurants and businesses again… far from it.

What I am advocating are some of the simpler changes in behavior.

How about more of a focus on local activities (which local restaurants and businesses will love)… the kind that require no-to-minimal driving… or public transportation… or electric bikes and scooters… or, best, just peddle the damn bike yourself, which is healthy for everyone.

Why not drop the speed limit back to 55mph? We survived just fine in the 1970’s and reduced necessary fuel consumption by about 15%. Literally only adds just minutes to average trip length… less time than you spend dallying in the bathroom a day.

Don’t run a dishwasher or washing machine unless it’s full. Don’t use three paper towels when one will do. Reuse aluminum foil when it’s not dirty just crinkled. Turn lights off when you’re not in a room. Don’t leave the TV running all day & night when you’re not watching it. Don’t keep buying plastic bags at the grocery store. Learn to appreciate left-overs. Open windows and save the air con. Wear a sweater in the house during the winter. Buy an electric blanket and save heating the whole house at night. Etc., etc., etc.

Why not do a bunch of small things… that aren’t such a big deal at all… but help us delay the inevitable?

It’s idiotic that we have to ask people not to jump off a cliff.

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